Upcoming Events

Wednesday Night Bible Study
Join us for our Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study on the Book of James, beginning Wednesday, February 19!

In Concert with Joseph Martin
Join the Chancel Choirs of The Memorial Baptist Church and Oakmont Baptist Church for a concert with Composer Joseph M. Martin!

Passport Camps Registration Deadline
It is almost time to register for Passport Camps!
PassportKids - June 23-26
PassportYouth - July 6-11

Ash Wednesday Service
Join us for our Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30pm.

Children's Missions Day Registration Deadline
CBFNC is holding two Children’s Missions Days for 3rd-5th graders on the theme of Serving Together! Sunday, March 8 and Sunday March 15.

Souperbowl of Caring
Help TMBC Youth Tackle Hunger during this year’s Souperbowl of Caring!

Women's Bible Study
Join our Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am, beginning February 5th!

J.O.Y Group Birthday Brunch
Join our J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Group for their annual Birthday Brunch!

Growing in Grace Music Groups
TMBC’s Growing in Grace Music Groups will resume on Wednesday, January 15!

Women's Bible Study Breakfast
Join our Women’s Bible Study for breakfast and fellowship!

Christmas Eve at TMBC
Join us on Christmas Eve for our Candlelight and Communion Service! Preludes will begin at 5:40pm and the Service at 6:00pm.

TMBC Advent: Words for the Beginning
Join us for our 2024 Advent Series “Words for the Beginning”, running from Sunday, December 1 to Sunday, January 5.
Sunday School begins at 9:45am and Morning Worship at 10:55am.

Happy Thanksgiving, TMBC! Just a reminder that the Church Office will be closed Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29 in observance of Thanksgiving.

WNC Disaster Relief Bucket Drive
Join us as we assemble Disaster Relief Buckets for our friends and neighbors in Western North Carolina!

Youth Soup and Sandwich Lunch
Join us in the Fellowship Hall following Morning Worship!

Costume Showcase and Potluck Dinner
Join us for our Costume Showcase and potluck dinner!

Women's Bible Study End of Semester
Our Women’s Bible Study is wrapping up for the semester!

Wednesday Night Fellowship and Study
Join us on Wednesday nights for a time of Fellowship and Study!

Youth Caswell Beach Retreat
Calling all Youth! It's time to register for CBFNC's Youth Beach Retreat at Fort Caswell! This year's retreat will be October 25-27.